Xavier Gamisans, project coordinator from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), and Albert Bartrolí, from AERIS, have visited the facilities of the “Association of Municipalities in the Attica Region – Solid Waste Management (ESDNA)”, located in Athens, Greece.
The visit, which took place on Monday 14th of March, also counted with the participation of Konstantinos Moustakas and Dimitris Malamis, project partners from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).
During the visit, partners discussed and evaluated different possibilities and locations in which LIFE BIOGASNET prototype could be installed and operated. Specifically, they visited the mechanical-biological recycling plant, managed by the HELECTOR company, and the electricity production plant from landfill biogas, managed by the company VEAL SA.

About the LIFE BIOGASNET prototype operation
The project prototype was operated in an ecopark in Cadiz (Spain) during a year to gather information for the optimisation of the technology, the search of the technology limits, as well as the definition of advanced control strategies.
After this first operation, the prototype will be moved and installed in the facilities of the Solid Waste Management Plant of the Attica Region where it will be operated for 12 months more to obtain information about the performance of the technology in another different scenario with totally different characteristics.
It is expected that the operation of the BIOGASNET prototype will be maintained beyond the project end in the site of the Attica Region in Athens to become a demonstration site of the benefits of the technology and to promote the commercial uptake of the solution.