Two prototype plants installed in Spain and Greece

During the project, a prototype has been designed, constructed and operated in two different European facilities with different biogas sources in order to validate the technology and to demonstrate its robustness under different conditions.

The results of the operation in both sites have been used to collect valuable information for transferring the technology to other similar facilities. Besides, a mathematical model has been validated (with prototype operation data) to allow the scaling for industrial plants.

Operation of the Prototype at Cádiz

First, the prototype was installed at the Miramundo-Los Hardales environmental ecopark located in Cádiz (Spain), where it was operated for 12 months with the objective of gathering information related to the technology.

Cádiz pilot plant

Operation of the Prototype at Athens

The prototype was moved from Cádiz to a MSWTP in Athens (Greece), where it has been operated for 12 months more, to obtain information about the performance of the project’s technology in another different scenario.

Athens pilot plant