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- Create Date September 23, 2024
- Last Updated September 23, 2024
Summary of project impacts on media
The present document is, in fact, the final update of the D1.1 Communication strategy and dissemination plan report. With all the tasks executed it has been possible to achieve the maximum visibility of the project, to communicate the project’s results and involve the biogas sector community and the professional sector.
The current document, prepared with the inputs and contributions provided by all the consortium members, offers a summary of the LIFE BIOGASNET’s communication and dissemination activities produced, and the impact achieved. It encompasses the dissemination and visibility of project outcomes through scientific articles, participation in exhibitions and conferences presenting the results to academic and industrial stakeholders, as well as the organisation of workshops. The document also includes the description of the main communication channels (corporate visual identity, project’s public website, promotional materials, videos, media relations, etc.).
This deliverable updates the dissemination plan and reports on communication activities from M1 until the end of the project.