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  • Create Date September 23, 2024
  • Last Updated September 23, 2024

Report on the validation, modelling and optimization performance in Athens site

NTUA is the main responsible for the prototype operation installed in the large scale Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Plant (MSWTP) that includes a landfill site as well as a composting facility in Athens, Greece. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate a new cost-effective and environmentally friendly technology for biogas desulfurization. In that sense, LIFE BIOGASNET project has developed an innovative and low-carbon footprint technology for biogas upgrading with the aim to boost the use of biogas as a sustainable energy source and reduce the carbon footprint of the energy cycle, promoting the circular economy concept. The BIOGASNET prototype was implemented firstly in the Miramundo-Los Hardales landfill located in Cadiz (Spain) and then after some modifications it was installed in Greece. The pilot plant consists of two main units: a nitrification unit that was fed by the composting emissions and an anoxic biotrickling filter that will be fed by the effluent for the nitrification bioreactor and the biogas from the landfill wells. The main objective of this prototype operation was to gather information for the optimisation of the technology, the search of its limits and the definition of advanced control strategies. The installation of the prototype allows to show the robustness of the technology, allowing to obtain a by-product of interest besides valorising the nitrogen content of the composting emissions. The current deliverable contains the main outcomes of the prototype operation under the activities of Action B3 (Operation of the Prototype at the MSWTP). Hence, it describes the inoculum procedure, the main corrective actions taken to solve the problems arisen and the results of the experiments performed.