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- Create Date September 23, 2024
- Last Updated September 23, 2024
Final definition of the project performance indicators
LIFE BIOGASNET is a three years and a half project running from September 2019 to March 2023, and co-financed by LIFE+ EU financial instrument under the thematic area LIFE+ Environmental Policy and Governance in the priority area with principle objective of Environment and Resource Efficiency. The project is coordinated by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia – UPC (Spain), in partnership with Fundació Eurecat – EUT (Spain), the National Technical University of Athens – NTUA (Greece), University of Cadiz – UCA (Spain), AERIS Tecnologías Ambientales SL (Spain) and Bioreciclaje de Cádiz (Spain).
Assess the Global Sustainability of a novel technology has positioned itself as an indispensable step to demonstrate the feasibility and potentiality of its adoption in a context of global sustainability achievement. In that sense, the definition of project performance indicators is essential.
This deliverable aims at exposing the final definition of the project performance indicators, a series of indicators which encompass the three pillars of sustainability but also technical ones and have been selected to assess the Biogasnet’s performance results. In addition, it must be highlighted that the pack of indicators set out below will be used in order to monitor the socio-economic impact of the project (sub-action C.1.3) by means of the hybrid fulfilment-importance matrix.
UCA leads LIFE BIOGASNET C1 action within the project, with LCA and socio-economic impact study in charge of EURECAT, but all consortium partners will be involved in it.