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- Create Date September 23, 2024
- Last Updated September 23, 2024
After-LIFE Plan
This deliverable is part of Action F Monitoring of the impact of the project actions, more specifically Action E.3, After-LIFE communication plan. The aim of this action is to set the planning to be carried out after the end of the project that assures the dissemination and communication of the project results in order to obtain an important impact in the target audience.
This report sets out how the beneficiary plans to continue disseminating and communicating results after the end of LIFE funding and indicates a set of detailed actions that will be carried out, when, by whom, the target audience of these actions and the origin of technical and economic resources to continue its implementation.
The objective of the plan is to set out the lines for the continuation of the work on LIFE BIOGASNET to achieve sustainability, replicability and successful transferability of the project and to multiply the impact of the solutions generated in LIFE BIOGASNET
In addition to the above, the plan also envisages the dissemination of the project results and the progress of BIOGASNET during the After LIFE period of 5 years. The plan sets out how partners and associates will contribute in different aspects:
• In the dissemination and communication of project results.
• In the implementation of the project results.
• In fostering the application of the results by other entities.
It also sets out a monitoring scheme for the plan and an economic estimate of its cost.