A. Preparatory actions

Action related to the design and implementation of all the procedures needed to start up the contracts with identified key agents, agreements among partners and all the other administrative act needed.

B. Implementation actions

The prototype will be tested in two different pilot plants and efforts will be put to extent or replicate the technology in different scenarios. Replication and transferability of the solution to other economic sectors and countries is also taken into account through the development of a specific plan.

B1. Design, Construction and Installation of the Prototype
B2. Operation of the Prototype at the Landfill
B3. Operation of the Prototype at the MSWTP
B4. Intellectual Property Protection and Business Plan
B5. Replication and Transferability Plan

C. Monitoring of the impact of the project actions

The monitoring of the project sustainability and LIFE performance indicators will be used to follow up the social and environmental impacts and to create dissemination materials and messages to promote the uptake of the project.

C1. Monitoring of the Project Sustainability
C2. Monitoring and Measuring of the LIFE Project Performance Indicators

D. Public awareness and dissemination of results

During the execution of the project and at their ending, efforts are being made to spread the results among the biogas sector.

D1. Communication and Dissemination of Results
D2. Networking Activities

E. Project Management

This is one of the most important actions of the project, including coordination, management and monitoring tasks, which are essential for the correct execution of the project, meeting the requirements of the Grant Agreement and fulfilling the objectives.